Protecting Your Family, Your Property and Your Business

Protecting Your Parental Rights

Your relationship with your children means everything to you, and you want to make sure that they are cared for in a nurturing environment. Chances are, so does their other parent. This is why child custody cases can become so raw and contentious — Two parents who both believe they are doing the right thing but don’t see eye to eye on what the right thing is.

What do you need to do to achieve a positive outcome in your Texas custody case? Whether you are getting a divorce or are not married to the other parent, you need an attorney who can examine the facts and build a case based on what is best for you and your children.

In Sweetwater And The Surrounding Areas, You Need The Law Firm Of Zollie C. Steakley, PLLC.

Ultimately, the outcome of your child custody dispute will come down to what is in the best interest of the child(ren). That will be handed down by the judge in the form of a verdict or in the form of signing off on a negotiated settlement.

Whether there are major issues to resolve or both parents largely agree on what the custody arrangement should be, we can help you get through the legal process as efficiently and amicably as possible. We have dealt with very difficult situations involving military families half a country apart, and we have helped parents in our own neighborhood achieve successful outcomes.

We Can Help You With Custody And Visitation

The sooner your custody issue is resolved, the sooner you and your children can move on to happier times. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation with our lawyer.