Protecting Your Family, Your Property and Your Business

Preparing Your Family For Long-Term Care

An aging population faces many challenges, including health care, disability, government benefits and making sure loved ones are protected. As you explore your options for finding solutions to these issues, it is crucial to have an experienced advocate on your side.

In Sweetwater, Texas, and surrounding communities, you can turn to the law firm of Zollie C. Steakley, PLLC, for the answers you need. We have been representing families in the area since 1976, finding solutions to challenging elder law issues.

The costs associated with long-term care can quickly drain an estate, so financial preparation is crucial. We can assist with long-term care planning (also known as Medicaid planning), using trusts and other estate planning vehicles to protect estate assets and qualify for financial assistance.

When Is A Guardianship The Answer?

In the context of elder law, a guardianship can be put in place to allow a guardian — often a family member — to make decisions on behalf of an incapacitated adult. Laws can vary greatly from state to state when it comes to guardianships, so it is important to have a local attorney on your side.

Preparation Is The Key

Taking the time to prepare now can prevent difficult situations from having to be made in the future, such as the decision to pursue a conservatorship or the decision to sell assets in order to afford long-term care.

We can help you with all of your elder law needs now, so you can have peace of mind about the future. Contact us today to arrange a consultation with a knowledgeable lawyer.